On Monday, May 7, 1945 at 2:41 a.m. the unconditional surrender of the German Third Reich was signed at Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force (SHAEF) in Reims bringing the war in Europe to an end.
German unconditional surrender Reims |
The headquarters of SHEAF were located in the Collège Moderne et Technique near the railway station in Reims.
SHEAF HQ Collège Moderne et Technique Reims |
The headquarters returned to being an educational establishment after the war and remains so today. The room where the surrender was signed was preserved and part of the college turned into a museum.
Collège Moderne et Technique Reims |
Surrender Museum Reims |
German unconditional surrender Reims |
German surrender room and signing table |
German surrender room and signing table IJ
German Instrument of Surrender |
German unconditional surrender display |