Tuesday 21 November 2023

Florence - Piazza della Repubblica

 The Piazza della Repubblica is a city square at the Centre of Florence. It was the site site of the Roman forum, the market place and shopping area. The area retained its function as a meeting place and market, into the 19th century.

Piazza della Repubblica

The current Piazza della Repubblica resulted from the city plans announced in 1871 following the Unification of Italy. This was part of the Risanamento (making healthy again), the large scale re-planning of Italian cities following unification.

Piazza della Repubblica 

 Large parts of the city centre were demolished, and part of the new buildings and squares were built. The sole surviving feature from the pre Risanamento is the  Colonna dell'Abbondanza (column of abundance) which was built in 1431.

Piazza della Repubblica  Colonna dell'Abbondanza