Tuesday 19 March 2013

Arnhem –Oosterbeek

On the 18th September 1944 the weather in the UK had delayed the second lift and it was not until mid-afternoon that the 4th Parachute Brigade dropped, with the remainder of the glider troops arriving. More vital hours had been lost. The 4th Parachute Brigade linked up with 1st Air landing Brigade and began their advance towards Arnhem. General Urquhart established his HQ at the Hartenstein Hotel.

Hartenstein Hotel 1944
Hartenstein Hotel 2013

The Germans by now had assessed the overall plan, and had designated that their main effort would now lie in the establishment of a defensive line on the River Waal to the south of Arnhem. Their plan was to reinforce this defensive position and to do so they required the bridge at Arnhem to remain open. To ensure this, they began to move heavy armour and flak troops into the Arnhem area to suppress the British operation.

The consequence of this move was to block the 1st Air landing Brigade and 4th Parachute Brigade from reaching the bridge, whilst effectively destroying the main body of 1st Parachute Brigade. Heavy fighting to the north of the railway at Oosterbeek caused the advance to halt.

Airborne Troops dug in Oosterbeek

Oosterbeek battle brief

With the situation at the bridge being perilous, 1st Parachute Brigade ceasing to be an effective formation, the order was given to disengage, and begin withdrawing to Oosterbeek to form a defensive perimeter; the advance to the bridge was abandoned.