Saturday 12 April 2014

Le Cateau - Battle Centre

The British 3rd Division were located in the centre of the Le Cateau battlefield, 4th Division left, 5th Division right.

Le Cateau - 3rd Division dispositions
Hamilton the Divisional Commander had discussed with Smith-Dorien the decision to stand fast at Le Cateau, and consequently he was able to inform his division early in the morning of 26th August that they should prepare defensive positions. The brigades were able to entrench themselves in preparation for an attack by the Germans.

German artillery opened fire on the division at 06:00 and the German 4th Cavalry Division advanced. The guns of 23rd Brigade RFA, 6 Bty RFA and 35 Heavy Battery RGA engaged the enemy causing heavy casualties.

Caudry - 23 Brigade RFA field of fire

On the divisions left flank a rigorous German attack put pressure on 7 Brigade, and two battalions of 8 Brigade were sent to reinforce them. Heavy fighting ensued, however by lunchtime the German advance had been held.

At 2pm the Germans concentrated their artillery fire on Caudry, and withdrawal from the village was ordered, the Germans taking advantage of this to occupy the location.  On the right of the divisional flank, the 1st Battalion Gordon Highlanders were attacked as the enemy tried to force a gap between them and the Royal Scots.

Le Cateau - 8 Brigade position

The order for the general retirement of II Corps was issued at 2pm, and as the orders were received by the divisions, plans were made to withdraw. The 3rd Worcester's counter attacked into Caudry to form a rear guard, and part of the village was recaptured.

The brigades of the 3rd Division began to withdraw, 1 Gordons who did not receive the order stood fast and fought on. As the afternoon wore on, battalions disengaged themselves and withdrew, the Gordons, fighting on.

Le Cateau - 1 / Gordon Highlanders
By early evening, the division was moving south and 9 brigade formed the rear-guard. A renewed attack by the Germans at 7;20 pm was foiled, and as darkness fell the Gordons slipped away.