Tuesday 27 October 2015

Ex Trenches Reflect - Digging In

In 1914 the German Army swept through neutral Belgium in the execution of the Schlieffen Plan, and engaged the French Army along it's border with Germany. The French checked the German advance along the border south from Verdun. Northward from Verdun the British Expeditionary Force and French Army were forced back to the River Marne before stopping the German advance.

German Invasion 1914
The Germans unable to progress further, retreated to the River Aisne. After a Battle ending in stalemate, each side then began a Race to the Sea, each trying to outflank each other. As each movement was checked, men began to dig in to consolidate their positions.

British Expeditionary Force 1914
Digging In
Start of the Western Front
Start of the Western Front
Digging In
Start of the Western Front
Men of the BEF Constructing Trenches 1914
Just like that !
Simple Trench
By the end of 1914 a continuous defensive line stretched from the Swiss Border to the North Sea.

World War One Trench
Western Front 1914