Thursday 23 March 2017

Arras - Battlefield Tour 2017

Hotel de Ville
The City of Arras is situated in the Artois Region of France, 220 km North of Paris, 100km from the English Channel Coast.

Artois Region of France

Lille lies 50km North East, with Ypres a further 50 km
Northern France and Belgium
Arras was the scene of major battles during WW1 as the French, Germans and|French fought to control the vital high ground that dominates the area. The key features that dominate the landscape being Notre Damme de Lorrette North of the City, with Vimy Ridge running North South to the River Scarpe.

Arras Ground
Panorama from Notre Damme de Lorrete towards Vimy Ridge
Panorama from Vimy Ridge over the Douai Plain

Panorama from Vimy Ridge towards Lens

The first battles around Arras in the First World War occurred in September 1914 in the Phase known as the Race to the Sea. This left the Notre Damme de Lorrette partially in German hands, and Vimy Ridge under German control.  The French sought to regain the high ground launching attacks in May and September 1915 making some gains, but Vimy Ridge remained  as German territory.

In March 1916 the British 3rd Army relieved the French 10th Army and took over the Arras sector, extending the length of line held by the British to stretch form the River Somme to Dixmunde, North of Ypres.

In April 1917, a British / Canadian offensive captured Vimy Ridge.

Arras Battlefield 1914 - 1917

Arras Ground Brief