Saturday 14 March 2020

Ypres 2020 - Dodengang Trench of Death

Trench of Death Dodengang

The Trench of Death is situated at Dodengang 3 km north of Dixmuide, running alongside the River Yser. The Belgian trench was a vital defensive position and was held under constant fire from 1915 to 1918. 

In October 1914, the area around Dodengang had been flooded to stop the German advance during the Battle of The Yser, creating a spit of land between the inundations and the River Yser.

Dodengang Petrol Tanks  

Two damaged petrol tanks in German hands provided excellent observation of the area. The Belgians wanted to capture the two petrol tanks to establish their own OP's. They launched attacks in March and May 1915, both of which failed. 

The Belgians decided to dig a trench from their front line to the petrol tanks 700m away to enable their capture. The trench would be constructed on a spit of land between the River Yser and the area flooded by the Belgians in October 1914. Both sides fortified their positions, the Belgians digging under constant German fire.

Dodengang - Belgian / German Trenches

The positions continued to be fortified and the troops would come within 100 metres of each other. As a result of the effects of being under constant fire, the Belgians named the position Tranchée de la Mort - The Trench of Death. The position would remain contested until 28th September 1918 when the Germans withdrew from the area. 

Dodengang - Belgian Trench
Left - Land would have been flooded / Right - River Yser
Belgian Soldiers Tranchee de la Mort
Belgian soldiers - Dodengang Trench of Death
Dodengang Trench of Death
Dodengang Trench of Death
Dodengang Belgian Bunker facing Germans
Dodengang German Bunker
Dodengang German Bunker facing Germans
German Bunker - No Mans Land - Belgian Bunker
Dodengang Trench of Death post war
Trench of Death Dodengang Memorial