Monday 12 September 2016

Eden Camp

Eden Camp Museum is housed in a former Prisoner of War Camp near Malton in Yorkshire. It was constructed between 1942 and 1943 and initially held Italian POWs. From mid 1943 the prisoners were moved out and Polish forces were billeted there in preparation for the Allied invasion of Europe. It reverted back to being a POW mid 1944 and held German prisoners of war till early 1949.

It now houses a museum within the former POW huts which tells the story of World War Two.

Eden Camp Museum
Malton North Yorkshire

Eden Camp Museum

Eden Camp Museum

Eden Camp Museum
Russian T 34 Tank
Eden Camp Museum
Watch Tower

Eden Camp Museum
POW Huts and Wire

Eden Camp Museum

Eden Camp
The Eden Camp memorial records that the Camp was created to honour, fortitude, and courage of the people who served in all works of life during the Second World War 1939-45.