Sunday, 28 June 2015

Alnwick - Beating of Retreat

On the 18th May 1915 the Tyneside Scottish Brigade paraded on the pastures in front of Alnwick Castle to be inspected by His Grace the Duke Of Northumberland.

TS Brigade inspected by His Grace Duke of Northumberland
18th May 1915
To commemorate the occasion a Beating of Retreat was held in Alnwick Castle. The occasion had an international flavour with the presence of the Somme Battlefield Pipe Band (SBPB) from Peronne in France.  The SBPB commemorate the fallen in both World Wars by each individual member of the band wearing a uniform of a Scottish Regiment.

Somme Battlefield Pipe Band
Alnwick Castle
Northumbria ACF Cassino Band Marching Display 

The massed Pipes and drums consisted of the Tyneside Scottish Pipe Band, Somme Battlefield Pipe Band, and the Northumbria & Lothian Borders ACF Pipe Bands.

Massed Pipes and Drums enter Alnwick Castle
Massed Pipes and Drums march on
Massed Bands Music Display

Highland Dancers
Massed Bands March Off

Somme Battlefield Pipe Band march on
Somme Battlefield Pipe Band marching display 

Somme Battlefield Pipe Band

Somme Battlefield Pipe Band Pipers

Somme Battlefield Pipe Band

Somme Battlefield Pipe Band march off

Combined Bands

Massed pipes and Drums form up

Massed Pipes and Drums March on
Massed Pipes and Drums Highland Cathedral
Video of the Tri-Service Pipes and Drums, Somme Pipes and Drums and 101 Regiments Tyneside Scottish Pipes and Drums playing Highland Cathedral at last nights beating retreat in Alnwick Castle.

Massed Pipes and Drums march off

Cassino Band Beat Retreat