Tuesday 19 March 2013

Arnhem – Oosterbeek Perimeter

The defensive perimeter was formed with the Borders to the west, units of 4th Parachute Brigade and KOSB north east, remnants of 1st Parachute Bridge south east, with gaps being filled in by other units and glider pilots. At this stage many units were down to 100 fit men. Over the next 5 days the perimeter was subject to sustained German attacks as they tried to dislodge the airborne troops.
Oosterbeek Perimeter September 1944

Some of the heaviest fighting occurred around the area of the cross roads at Oosterbeek. On the cross roads medical dressing stations were established in the Schoonoord Hotel, the Tafelberg Hotel (formerly a German HQ for General Model) to the south and the Vreewjick Hotel. The Quatre Bras was used as a headquarters.

Oosterbeek Crossroads Area

Oosterbeek Quatre Bras

Oosterbeek Tafelberg

Oosterbeek Schoonoord Hotel

Oosterbeek Schoonoord Hotel lunch
Oosterbeek Airborne Memorial