He was born in South Shields on 6th July 1892 at 10 Eldon Street, Tyne Dock. He went to school in South Shields, leaving in 1905 to work as a milk float boy.
In 1908 he enlisted in the 4th Durham Battery, 4th Northumbrian (County of Durham) Howitzer Brigade Royal Field Artillery at the age of 17. He attended annual camp 1909in Fleetwood, Lancashire.

In 1909 he joined the Merchant Navy, and ended up in Australia. On the outbreak of war in 1914, he enlisted on the 1st September 1914 with the 3rd Astralian Field Hospital, where he would be employed as a stretcher bearer.

Private Kirpatrick landed in Gallipoli on April 25th 1915 with the ANZAC forces. Whilst tending a wounded man, Kirkpatrick spotted a donkey which he used to bear the casualty. For the next 25 days until his death Private Kirpatrick went out time and time again with his donkey to rescue over 300 men.

Colonel (later General) John Monash wrote: "Private Simpson and his little beast earned the admiration of everyone at the upper end of the valley. They worked all day and night throughout the whole period since the landing, and the help rendered to the wounded was invaluable. Simpson knew no fear and moved unconcernedly amid shrapnel and rifle fire, steadily carrying out his self imposed task day by day, and he frequently earned the applause of the personnel for his many fearless rescues of wounded men from areas subject to rifle and shrapnel fire."
Private J Simpson is recorded as mentioned in despatches in the Supplement to the London Gazette 5th November 1915, page 11003;
In continuation of my Despatch of the 26th
of August, 1915, I have the honour to submit
herewith the following additional names of
Officers, Non-commissioned Officers and Men
whose services, during the operations described
therein, I consider deserving of special mention.
Simpson, No 202 Private J.
At the time of his death his mother was living at 14 Bertram Street, South Shields.

Australian Government - John Simpson Kirkpatrick Army Record
John Simpson Kirkpatrick South Shields Memorial
Private John Simpson Kirkpatrick
CWGC Casulaty Details
Australian Army Medical Corps 3rd Field Amb.
Died 19th May 1915 Aged 22
Service number 202
Mentioned in Despatches
Son of Sarah Simpson Kirkpatrick, of 14, Bertram St., South Shields, Durham, England, and the late Robert Kirkpatrick. Private J S Kirkpatrick, served as Private John Simpson and became known as the ''''Man with the Donkey''''.
Simpson landed with the 3rd Australian Field Ambulance on 25 April and by the following day he was leading a donkey carrying lightly wounded from the front line down Monash and Shrapnel Valleys to the beach. In the first three weeks of the campaign he became a familiar sight, always cheerful and oblivious of danger. Simpson was killed on 19 May and was Mentioned in Despatches.
Grave I. F. 1.

Gallipoli - Memorial at Anzac Cove
"Those heroes that shed their blood and lost their lives…
You are now living in the soil of a friendly country.
Therefore rest in peace.
There is no difference between the Johnnies and the Mehmets to

they lie side by side here in this country of ours…
You, the mothers, who sent their sons from faraway countries wipe away your tears; your sons are now lying in our bosom and are in peace, after having lost their lives on this land they have become our sons as well."

An illustrated life of Simpson, the man wuth the donkey
Australian War Memorial Roll of Honour - John Simpson Kirkpatrick
Australian Government - John Simpson Kirkpatrick Army Record