Royal Artillery

Northumbrian Gunners

St Barbara


 St Barbara is patron saint of the Royal Regiment of Artillery and Gunners throughout the world. Her feast day is commemorated on 4th December.

According to legend, Saint Barbara was the extremely beautiful daughter of a wealthy man  named Dioscorus, who lived near Nicomedia in Asia Minor (present day Turkey) . Barbara, against her fathers wishes had converted to Christianity.

 Dioscorus wanted Barbara to marry a non-Christian and when she  refused, her father ordered the building of a tower in which to imprison her. Barbara persuaded the builder to construct the tower with  three windows as a symbol of the Holy Trinity, an outward demonstration of her faith.

Her actions angered her father so much that Dioscorus had  Barbara put to death. 

After having her killed Dioscorus was immediately struck dead by a lightning bolt.


Barbara was canonised during the 7th Century as a martyr to her faith.

 Saint Barbara was invoked for aid against accidents resulting from explosions. When the use of gunpowder became widespread in the Western world she was often cited as some of the earlier artillery pieces often blew up instead of firing their projectile.

 As a result Saint Barbara was adopted as the patron saint of Gunners throughout the World.