Royal Artillery

Northumbrian Gunners

Saturday 4 September 2021

Leeds 2021 - Royal Armouries NVAA Battlefield Tour


Royal Armouries Leeds
NVAA Battlefield Tour 2021

Leeds 2021 - Royal Armouries Tudors


Royal Armouries Leeds

Royal Armouries Leeds
Field of the Cloth of Gold

The Field of the Cloth of Gold was a summit between Henry VIII of England and King Francis I of France. The meeting lasted from 7th to 24th June 1520. It's aim was to foster Anglo-French relationships. It was held at Balinghem which was in the English Pas de Calais. 

The 14 day meeting was also a festival of music, joisting, fighting tournaments, and huge feasts. Each King looked to outshine the other, the ostentatious display of costumes, tents and decorations woven with golden thread leading to the occasion being termed the Field of the Cloth of Gold. 

Royal Armouries Leeds
Field of the Cloth of Gold Henry VIII

Royal Armouries Leeds
Field of the Cloth of Gold

Royal Armouries Leeds
Field of the Cloth of Gold

Royal Armouries Leeds
Field of the Cloth of Gold

Royal Armouries Leeds
Field of the Cloth of Gold

Royal Armouries Leeds
Tudor fighting demonstration

Royal Armouries Leeds
Tudor fighting demonstration

Royal Armouries Leeds
Tudor fighting demonstration

Leeds 2021 - Royal Armouries


Royal Armouries Leeds

Royal Armouries Leeds

Royal Armouries Leeds
Hall Of Steel

Royal Armouries Leeds
Hall of Steel

Royal Armouries Leeds
Battle of Pavia 1525

Royal Armouries Leeds
Battle of Pavia 1525

Royal Armouries Leeds
Men at Arms

Royal Armouries Leeds
Men at Arms

Royal Armouries Leeds
Men at Arms

Royal Armouries Leeds
Littlecote House Armoury

Royal Armouries Leeds
Littlecote House Armoury

Royal Armouries Leeds
War Elelphant

Royal Armouries Leeds

Royal Armouries Leeds

Royal Armouries Leeds
Tiger Shoot

Royal Armouries Leeds